Louie The Lovebot Knitting Pattern

Friends! I have a VERY highly requested pattern for you today! Louie the Lovebot was on Knit Picks for years but apparently has not been for awhile now. Every year starting in January I have been getting daily requests for the pattern for a couple years now. Well, I finally got by bum in gear and redesigned the pattern for you guys, huzzah! He is now knit all in one piece like my new patterns, placing stitch markers to come back to and pick up stitches for the limbs.

The best part of the new Louie? I am posting him here for free! Yeah!

WIP Wednesday #6

Hi friends! How was your Thanksgiving? We had a lovely time with family that we had not been together with on Thanksgiving for several years.

I have been working on a new project I am so excited to start sharing with you guys! Studio time has been limited the last month or so with kids sick, me sick with the lingering crud, holidays and life, but I have a new pattern line I have managed to snag a few minutes to work on. Meet my new friends!

I am calling these guys B’s Darlings and I am working on a whole line with interchangeable clothes and accessories. The animal dolls themselves will be sewn and then I am creating both knitted and sewn clothes and accessories, which I am loving! Since I have been writing both knitting and sewing patterns for a month shy of 14 (fourteen!!!) years, it is bringing me so much joy to combine the two in one line. I have started with just bears for now, with one that accidentally came out looking like a cat, so some kitties will be soon to follow (plus many more creatures I hope!). My next step will be to write up and lay out the patterns for you guys to make your own, but I am also planning on offering a few of the Darlings as finished toys as well.

This is the gorgeous stack of linens and yarn dyed organic cottons I have to play around with to make more Darlings. I’m excited to see how they come out, and I can’t wait to keep making more tiny clothes and knitted items.

Thanks to the magic of life I just got invited to sell my first Darlings at a Pop Up sale at an artist friend’s pottery studio and I couldn’t be more excited! I will be busy making bear friends (and hopefully some cats and other creatures) for the next couple weeks and the sale will be from 11am-4pm on both 12/17 and 12/18, just in time to snag those last minute gifts for the holidays! I will share the address and more info later, but make sure to mark your calendars now!

I hope you like the Darlings as much as I do! I will share my progress as I get ready for the sale. And, I am planning to get the pattern released in January so you can make your own Darlings as well.

What about you? Are you getting time in this busy part of the year to get a little sewing, knitting, and creating in? I’d love for you to share with me in the comments what you are working on!

B Signature

WIP Wednesday #2

Hi friends! Want to see what I am working on in my studio this week?

I haven’t done much knitting in a long time, but decided to pull out some yarn over the weekend and start on a sweater. I got in a minor car accident and got rear ended about five years ago and it tweaked my shoulder. It was painful to knit for a few years, and then I fell out of the habit, and then the last couple years have been a black hole…. I was working on this simple Vasa sweater pattern from Paper Tiger back in 2020 and put it down. I picked it up again this summer and wasn’t loving it, so I decided to start over with a couple yarns from my stash. I’m using a Merino and Silk blend called Findley from Juniper Moon Farm. It is a lace weight and not the sock weight yarn used in the pattern, but I did a little swatch and decided to knit a bit of the pattern and see if I like how the fabric looks and feels once it gets a bit bigger. I really just like knitting for the process more than the product, so I don’t mind knitting without knowing if I will love what I am working on, with the possibility I will rip it out. Coco the Toy Poodle doesn’t mind either since it means extra snuggle time.

My Stepmom asked me to make a king sized quilt for her and my Dad. My Dad is a fisherman so she has sent me some fishy themed fabrics to work with, and then I have found a few more (of course!). I got all the fabrics pulled together and laid out today and I just need to dig through my stash and find some good basics to mix in. I haven’t decided what I am doing for the design yet, but I will share it with you when I figure it out!

This adorable fisherman fabric from Dear Stella is going to be the back. Aren’t these little captains too cute?!

This is a sneak peak at a pattern I am working on that I hope to be sharing with you soon! I got these samples finished Monday and I am excited to get on to taking process photos and writing up the directions.

What are you working on this week? Leave me a comment and let me know!

B Signature